Application for Promotional Permit
Application for Promotional Permit
Promotional permit is granted to every person, natural or juridical applying to promote their product and services in conformity with the national standards, and the rules and regulations of the municipality.
Office or Division: Business Permit and Licensing Office
Classification: Simple
Types of Transaction: G2B-Government to Business Owners
Who may avail: Business Owners
Checklist of Requirements
Letter of Intent with approval from the Office of the Mayor/ Rural Health Unit/ ABC President
Barangay Clearance
Valid Identification Card
Business Owner
Designated Barangay Hall
Secure queuing number from Information Desk at the lobby and proceed to the Business Permit and Licensing Office waiting area and wait for the number to be called in the monitor
Step 1
Submit the complete requirements and secure the order of payment at the BPLO Counters 9-13
Agency Action :
1.1 Call the number issued to the client
1.2 Check the requirements
1.3 Issue the Order of Payment
Fees to be Paid:
Processing Time: 7 minutes
Person Responsible:
Clerk I
Clerk I
License Inspector I
Licensing Officer II
Licensing Officer III
Business Permit and Licensing Office
Step 2
Secure queuing number from Information Desk at the lobby and proceed to the Municipal Treasurers Office for payment and return to BPLO Counter 9-13 for the Promotional Permit
Agency Action :
2.1 Call the number issued to the client
2.2 Issue the Official Receipt
2.3 Check the validity of the Official Receipt and instruct the client to sit at the lobby or at the BPLO designated waiting area and wait for his/her name to be called
2.4 Print the Promotional Permit and have the signature of the BPLO Head and Local Chief Executive
Fees to be Paid:
PHP1600.00 per day
Processing Time: Pls refer to MTO’s Citizen’s Charter 10 Minutes
Person Responsible:
MTO Staff at Payment Counters 1-4
Municipal Treasurer’s Office
Clerk I
Clerk I
License Inspector I
Licensing Officer II
Licensing Officer III
Business Permit and Licensing Office
Step 3
Claim the Promotional Permit Counters 9-13
Agency Action :
3.1 Release the Promotional Permit to client
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 3 minutes
Person Responsible:
Clerk I
Clerk I
License Inspector I
Licensing Officer II
Business Permit and Licensing Office
PHP1600.00 per day
20 Minutes