Application for Business Registration (Renewal)

Application for Business Registration (Renewal)

Businesses that have been issued a business permit must apply for business renewal yearly starting from the first working day of the month of January until January 20 of the current year to avoid surcharges and penalties. Business renewals shall be processed only if the client provided a complete set of requirements and one photocopy. 

Office or Division: Business Permit and Licensing Office

Classification: Simple

Types of Transaction: G2B-Government to Business Owners

Who may avail: Business Owners 

Checklist of Requirements

Barangay Business Clearance
RPT Tax Clearance
Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
SSS Clearance and Latest Payment or Photocopy of Senior Citizen ID
Income Statement / Audited or unaudited Financial Statement/Sworn Declaration of Gross Sales / Receipts
Sanitary Permit
CDA Certificate of Compliance (For Cooperative)
Endorsement Letter from Market Supervisor (If Market Stallholders)
License to Operate for LPG Retailers
Certificate of Compliance for Gasoline Stations
Authorization Letter and photocopy of valid ID card of owner and representative
Tourism Compliance Certificate for Tourism Related Businesses
Franchise Agreement (If Franchisee) 

Barangay Hall where business is located
Municipal Treasurer’s Office (Land Tax Section)
Municipal Treasurer’s Office (Payment Section)
Any Branch of SSS and Bayad Centers/ Office of the Senior Citizen’s Affairs (OSCA)
Owner of Business
Municipal Health Office (MHO)
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
Economic Enterprise Management Office (EEMO)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Owner of Business / Representative
Municipal Tourism Office
Owner of Business 


Secure queuing number from Information Desk at the lobby and proceed to the Business Permit and Licensing Office waiting area and wait for the number to be called in the monitor 

Step 1

Secure application form and submit with complete requirements

Agency Action :
1.1 Calls the number of applicant and issue the application form for filling up 

1.2 Check the submitted requirements and compliance with other offices 

1.3 Encode the necessary information and compute the business tax and regulatory fees 

1.4 Print the business assessment form in triplicate copy and have the client affix his/her signature 

Fees to be Paid:
Business tax which depends on gross sales or receipts and regulatory fees imposed under San Juan Batangas Revised Revenue Code of 2024 

Processing Time: 10 minutes

Person Responsible:
Clerk I
Admin Assistant IV
Clerk I
Clerk I
License Inspector I
Licensing Officer II
Licensing Officer III BPLO Head
Business Permit and Licensing Office 

Step 2

Register online at and apply for FSIC by uploading the business assessment to get recommendation /approval for payment of the business tax and regulatory fees

Agency Action :
2.1 Instruct the client to register online and upload the business assessment, proceed to online payment of fees and download the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) 

2.2 Instruct the client to secure number at the lobby and pay the computed regulatory fees at the Municipal Treasurer’s Office (MTO) Counters 1-4 upon approval of the BPLO Head 

2.3 Check the validity of the official receipt and instruct the client to sit at the lobby or at the BPLO designated waiting area and wait for his/her name to be called  

2.4 Print the business permit for the final approval of the BPLO Head and the Local Chief Executive 

Fees to be Paid: Fees and charges under R.A. 9514-Fire Code of the Philippines

Business Tax which depends on the gross sales or receipts and regulatory fees imposed under San Juan Batangas Revised Revenue Code of 2024 


Processing Time: 12 Minutes

Person Responsible:
Clerk I
Admin Assistant IV
Clerk I
Clerk I
License Inspector I
Licensing Officer II
Rancy M. Geba Licensing Officer III BPLO Head
Business Permit and Licensing Office 

Step 3

Claim the Mayor’s/Business permit

Agency Action :
3.1 Release the Mayor’s/Business Permit  

Fees to be Paid:  None

Processing Time : 3 minutes

Person Responsible:
*Mayor’s Office
Office of the Mayor 


Computed business tax and other regulatory fees imposed under San Juan Batangas Revised Revenue Code of 2024 

25 Minutes

*During the Business One-Stop-Shop (BOSS) every January, the Mayor’s Office staff are designated to release the permit, however from February   to December, the BPLO staff are instructed to do so.