Business Registration (Renewal)

Business Registration (Renewal) 

Business Registration for the renewal of Business Permit 

Office or Division : Business Permit and Licensing Office
Classification : Simple
Types of Transaction: G2B - Government to Business Owners
Who may avail:  Business Owners

Checklist of Requirements


Step 1

Secure application form and submit with complete requirements 

Agency Action :
1.1 Give the application form to applicant

1.2 Check the requirements and compliance to other offices

1.3 Compute the business tax and regulatory fees

1.4 Print the  business permit assessment

1.5 Request the applicant to affix signature and proceed to BFP to secure FSIC

1.6 Return to BPLO for recommendation

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 20 minutes

Person Responsible:
Rancy M. Geba
Marilyn A. Virtusio
Danilo C. Borjal
Bong Chester Pineda
Pamela May T. Gapunuan

Step 2

Secure queue number, wait for the number to be called  and pay for the computed tax

Agency Action :
2.1 Call the number    issued to Taxpayer
2.2 Issue the  Official Receipt

Fees to be Paid: Business Tax which depend on  Income Statement & other Regulatory Fees / under San Juan, Batangas Revised Revenue code of 2013

Processing Time : Please refer to MTO’s Citizen’s Charter 

Person Responsible:
MTO staff at Payment Section, Counter 1-4

Step 3

Receive the Business Permit 

Agency Action :
3.1 Check the validity of the Official Receipt

3.2 Print the  Business Permit

3.3 Release the Business Permit to client

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 5 minutes

Person Responsible:
Rancy M. Geba
Marilyn A. Virtusio
Danilo C. Borjal
Bong Chester Pineda
Pamela May T. Gapunuan

Total Time :

Computed Business Tax & other Regulatory Fees 

25 minutes